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  • 06 - numbers change, feelings stay the same

06 - numbers change, feelings stay the same

Will a salary increase make you happier?

06 - numbers change, feelings stay the same

We have all been there. Dreaming of the promotion, or next financial milestone. But does this actually increase our life satisfaction? Despite what our imaginations may lead us to believe, we are not happier once we hit that milestone.

In general, you will feel very similar to the way you feel now. Although the numbers may change, the way we feel about life largely stays the same.

I love what Zac Solomon says on this topic. “What I’ve come to realize is that people who were happy when they were poor, tend to be happy when they’re rich. And people who were sad when they’re poor, tend to be sad when they’re rich.” (Founder: Startup Social)

I couldn’t agree more. So let’s set realistic expectations that finances will go up and down and this doesn’t make life be better or worse. It will just be different. 🙂

ponder on this

Character makes you rich, not money or property.”

Adina Shahzad

moment of the week

Where our readers send in something joyful that happened to them this week. If you have your own moment you’d like to send in click here.

Flowers delivered to my work 🌸


Have your own moment? We would love to hear from you!

a recipe to try

This Pad Thai is delicious! Don’t skip the fish sauce.

songs we are loving

All goodies this week. Roll down the windows.

Thanks for reading! See you next week :)
