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  • 08 - surviving tough times

08 - surviving tough times

When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That is what this storm is all about.

Joymail has officially been running for 2 months now! I am very thankful you have decided to join. These little creations feel therapeutic, an escape from my consulting and business responsibilities. The reason behind this newsletter is close to my heart and perhaps someday I'll tell the story. But for now, just know that you being here means a lot.

08 - surviving tough times

5 steps forward 3 steps back. As much as I would love life to be a straight line. That is not how it’s working out. Like many, the last 3 years of my life have been all over the place. Immense joy mixed with immense pain. It has been a collection of storms and rainbows. I found this quote today and it prompted this email.

“When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That is what this storm is all about.” - Haruki Murakami

This gave me a sense of peace, a reminder that every storm has a greater purpose for our lives. I look back at some of the hardest times in my life and am eternally grateful for the lessons and the way my heart changed. It is a sign of growth, living a full life, and gaining wisdom along the way.

ponder on this

  1. trials are a season, not a final destination

  2. asking for help is not a weakness

  3. there is always something to be grateful for

  4. you have survived tough times before

  5. a bad season doesn’t equal a bad life

  6. your story will one day be someone’s survival guide

moment of the week

Where our readers send in something joyful that happened to them this week. If you have your own moment you’d like to send in click here.

My baby girl didn’t cry when I dropped her off at daycare last week!


Have your own moment? We would love to hear from you!

a recipe to try

I resisted making pulled pork in my crockpot for way too long. This was a family favourite and super easy to make. I also make tortilla pizza at least once a week.

songs we are loving

Thanks for reading! We will see you next week.


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