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12 - less scrolling, more growing

We are living in the age of information overload.

12 - less scrolling, more growing

Whether you had a great week or a hard week. Thanks for being here ♥️

We are living in the age of information overload. With endless lists of books to read, podcasts to listen to, and documentaries to watch. It is such an exciting time because inspiration is everywhere! However, it is in the application that we begin to truly absorb and comprehend what we are learning.

So next time you want to double tap and comment “so helpful”. Pause for a moment. Do you really think that is helpful? Helpful enough that you’d like to put it into practice?

It is in the application where change happens. So before you order that next book (so guilty of this), think back to the things you have learned and apply them first. Let’s scroll less and grow more.

ponder on this

moment of the week

Where our readers send in something joyful that happened to them this week. If you have your own moment you’d like to send in click here.

My husband and I attended an intimate concert venue to see one of our favourite bands perform. Since having our second daughter, who is now 6 months, time out alone is rare. This night felt like the first time in a long time that we were really present, in the moment and just enjoying each other. It felt like we were dating again, in that sweet honeymoon phase and it was one of the best nights I’ve had in a really long time. A new core memory for sure, and a reminder to never stop prioritizing your love!

Kaitlyn R.

Have your own moment? We would love to hear from you!

a recipe to try

A lot of you tried the pumpkin muffins so I am sharing the pumpkin granola I have been making since 2019! I am also on a hunt to find the best roast recipe so I am trying a different one this week.

songs we are loving

We got some good songs this week! My daughter LOVES dancing to “Lil Boo Thang” with me. She starts bopping when it comes on. 😍

Thanks for reading! I will see you next week.


P.S. If you ever want to send me a personal message, just hit reply to this email. 🙂