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  • 14 - sometimes the answer is letting go

14 - sometimes the answer is letting go

The joy of making space for something new

14 - sometimes the answer is letting go

Have a joyful moment this week. I would love to hear it… submit here ♥️

Life is filled with constant change and evolution. We often find ourselves holding onto things, people, and situations, fearing the unknown that comes with letting go. However, in these moments, it's essential to remember that sometimes, the best thing we can do is release our grip on the past, making space for new and exciting opportunities to enter our lives.

Just like the trees shed their leaves we too can benefit from shedding. Whether it's moving on from a job, redefining the way we do things, or simply letting go of things that no longer serve our souls, we can move forward together fearlessly embracing change.

Remember, sometimes holding on can do more damage than letting go.

ponder on this

moment of the week

Where our readers send in something joyful that happened to them this week. If you have your own moment you’d like to send in click here.

Watching my dog run freely in the field I take him to everyday after work.


Have your own moment? We would love to hear from you!

a recipe to try

The chicken thighs are SO good and simple! The sausage soup is honestly one of my favourites. I cooked it way too much that I got sick of it, but it’s back now.

songs we are loving

Thanks for reading! I will see you next week.


P.S. If you ever want to send me a personal message, just hit reply to this email. 🙂