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  • 25 - building an audience vs community

25 - building an audience vs community

the viral chocolate banana bark 🍫

25 - building an audience vs community

I had to sneak a business Joymail in :)

Have you ever seen those accounts that have small followings but insane engagement? Those accounts have built a community.

Most people go into business thinking they need to build a big audience. However, building an audience revolves around likes, followers, and views. The process of creating content is individualistic with a focus on vanity metrics to maximize visibility. Building an audience overlooks connection, loyalty, and trust.

By shifting your focus to building a community, you allow for open communication. Communities thrive on trust, collective experiences, and a shared sense of support. This involves actively engaging with and listening to those who support you. So next time you find yourself in a challenging situation within your business, don't hesitate to turn to those who support you for advice and assistance.

ponder on this

a recipe to try

book recommendation

I am reading Be Your Future Self Now and I am loving it. Very encouraging for the new year. Something that stuck out to me so far is “approach vs. avoidant goals”. I may do a Joymail on that in the future.

Thanks for reading! I will see you next week.


P.S. Do you have a recommendation (recipe, song, book) that you would share with our community? I would love to hear from you! Just hit reply and I will get back to you 🙂