42 - someone you love

easy peach cobbler 馃崙

42 - someone you love

Happy Sunday Joymail 馃檪
I have been in a lull with my cooking lately, so I hope this inspires me too!

Self-talk, our internal dialogue with ourselves, deeply impacts our perception of ourselves and the world. Humans have a natural negativity bias, and our brains often focus more on negative thoughts. Positive self-talk, however, isn't about ignoring reality but reframing our thoughts with kindness and self-compassion.

Example: Instead of saying "I always mess up, I can't do anything right," you can say, "I made a mistake this time, but I can learn from it and do better next time. Everyone makes mistakes, and it's an opportunity for growth."

ponder on this

recipe to try

music we are loving

Thanks for reading! I will see you next week.


P.S. Do you have a recommendation (recipe, song, book) that you would share with our community? I would love to hear from you! Just hit reply and I will get back to you 馃檪